The Story Bazaar…

is no longer publishing ‘e’, printed or audio books. The Story Bazaar web-site is no longer active, but you can still find your favourite posts and bloggers. If you’re looking for Julie Anderson go to her new web-site

Here you can…

learn about Story Bazaar books  and other publications still available.

Read Story Bazaar previous  blogs, on cultural events, places to visit, green issues and political comment.  New blog posts can be found at

Use the Tag cloud as a short cut to see what’s ‘Worth a Visit’ or check out the topic you’re interested in. Read about the writers and bloggers who contributed regularly to this site.

Story Bazaar books are on sale on Amazon and other on-line stores.  You can download them as ‘e’ books or order printed copies for delivery anywhere in the world.  A dfw-ja-r-cover-thumbgood book seller will order them for you.  Story Bazaar audio books can be found on Audible and iTunes.

If you read our books and like them, please write a review, on Amazon ( either or ) or Goodreads

The Story Bazaar is no longer seeking submissions for publications.

You can also follow Julie Anderson on Twitter @jjulieanderson