Category Archives: Art


The painting formerly known as…..

This gallery contains 6 photos.

…’The Arnolfini Wedding’ by Jan Van Eyck now hangs in the Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery on the first floor.  I first came across it when studying History of Art many years ago. It was painted, in oil on an … Continue reading



This gallery contains 11 photos.

A current National Gallery free exhibition is of Dutch still life painting. I visited some weeks ago, only to discover that I was a day early. So, with an hour or so set aside before meeting friends I decided to … Continue reading


The Courtauld Gallery

Resident in the North Wing of Somerset House since the 1990s, this collection boasts some excellent art as well as an excellent setting. If you are in London, it is well worth a visit. The Courtauld Institute moved to Somerset … Continue reading


Down to the sea again….

…to the lonely sea and sky. Not so lonely, however, in the National Maritime Museum’s Neptune Court on a half-term Thursday which was thronging with children of all ages. It is some years since I visited this museum and since my … Continue reading


Somerset House

This gallery contains 6 photos.

It’s difficult now to believe that such a fine building as the current Somerset House was built as government offices, but it was built in the days when government offices were important places of patronage and organisation. The Admiralty and … Continue reading