My new web-site can now be found at Those of you who want to receive alerts when a new blog comes out, please click on the ‘Follow’ button at the right hand side of the site.
The Story Bazaar site will still exist, but will, to an extent, be mothballed. So, if you want to access any of the blogs which you enjoyed in the past you can still do so, by typing the name of the blog into your search engine ( and adding The Story Bazaar ) and you should be directed to the article in question. They are all still there, just not as active. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions over the years, I hope you continue to engage with the new site.
The Story Bazaar Compendia are available on Amazon and other online book retailers and those for 2017 and 2018 will feature there shortly, as ‘e’ books and paperback, if you want a more physical reminder of The Story Bazaar.
Signing off now. See you at the new web-site. ‘Bye and thanks for all the good wishes.