Category Archives: Books


Facebook Ads – a positive experience

Facebook states (without any irony, irony not really being the forte of giant corporate monoliths) that its policy on ‘controversial content’ in regard to politics is as follows. “14. Controversial Content Policy Ads must not contain content that exploits controversial … Continue reading


Power corrupts…

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…and absolute power corrupts absolutely – to paraphrase the oft quoted Lord Acton, nineteenth century British historian and Member of Parliament.  In fact he said ‘Power tends to corrupt…’ in a letter to Mandell Creighton  in 1887. One of my … Continue reading


Story Bazaar Book News

For those awaiting the publication of The Silver Rings, the second in the Al Andalus series and the sequel to Reconquista, there is good news. Enforced rest to recuperate from recent surgery has meant lots of time spent on the … Continue reading


Facebook Ads – No Politics

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The scandal of Facebook and the micro-targetting of political advertising during the EU Referendum campaign, using the personal data of individuals who had no knowledge that their data had been harvested, hasn’t received the ongoing publicity which it deserves, in … Continue reading


Myths of the Underground

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The New York Subway has its escaped alligators (the descendants, supposedly, of those creatures once fashionable as up-market pets and flushed down the lavatory when they became too tiresome or their rich owners got bored); Warsaw has its armed resistance … Continue reading