Category Archives: London


The Foundling Hospital

This gallery contains 4 photos.

The Museum of the Foundling Hospital, London is a little known gem. If you’re in London, do go and seek it out, it is very definitely worth a visit. Established by Captain Thomas Coram in 1739, with a lot of … Continue reading


Welcome to Saxnot

This gallery contains 4 photos.

On Thursday evening I entered Scott King’s world of Saxnot at Studio Voltaire, Clapham. What is Welcome to Saxnot? Physically, it is an installation consisting of a series of free–standing infographic works, written material, including a Welcome to Saxnot brochure, … Continue reading


All the fun of the fair

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Walking over Clapham Common to a meeting in the Old Town yesterday I got my first look at ‘Winterville 2017‘. Billing itself as ‘London’s Alternative Winter Experience’ this mixture of old-fashioned fair ground show and modern outdoor activities has prompted … Continue reading


Dippy departed

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Several generations of schoolchildren have been introduced to natural history by Dippy the Dinosaur at the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. This diplodocus skeleton cast arrived at the museum in 1905, but was erected in the Hintze Hall near the … Continue reading


Money changes hands….

This gallery contains 5 photos.

No, not financial corruption, nor even off-shore tax havens, but a post about an increasing feature on some of central London’s main thoroughfares. The rather grand buildings, usually formerly banking houses, or the prestige branches of banks, which are now … Continue reading