Category Archives: London


Storytelling – with a Tent and a Chair

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Preparations for the Storytelling tent at Crystal Palace Festival move on apace. Specifically, this last weekend, creating the physical setting for Storytelling. We have a bona fide Bedouin tent and lots of speculation about a magnificent Storytelling Chair. The tent … Continue reading



This gallery contains 5 photos.

So to the current exhibition at the British Museum – Hokusai beyond the Great Wave (£12 entry, concessions £10). Katsushika Hosukai, also known as Iitsu and Gakyo Rojin Manji, was a painter from Edo (modern-day Tokyo) painting in late eighteenth … Continue reading


Common People 17

This gallery contains 6 photos.

From Common Reading at Clapham Book Festival to Common People ’17, lots of free music and the spoken word on a Bank Holiday weekend in south London. It was thirty degrees and sunny as we lounged in deck chairs to … Continue reading


I Don’t Want to go to Chelsea….

This gallery contains 4 photos.

…sang Elvis Costello back in the ’70s. But I do and have – been going to Chelsea that is – for twenty years and more ( twenty five actually, I first went in 1994 )  But not this year. It’s … Continue reading


London Books

This gallery contains 6 photos.

The first chapter of Peter Ackroyd’s London Under is entitled Darkness Visible and it begins ‘Tread carefully over the pavements of London for you are treading on skin, a skein of stone that covers rivers and labyrinths, tunnels and chambers, streams … Continue reading