Category Archives: London


Site specific

This gallery contains 7 photos.

In a break from preparations for the Clapham Book Festival 2017 I hot-footed it over to Crystal Palace Park, where the Overground Festival will take place in June this year. I had never even been to this Park before and … Continue reading


The Life and Death of Miss Dupont…

This gallery contains 4 photos.

…is the title of a charming show by academician Anthony Green at the RA until 30th April. In the Tennant Gallery on the first floor, it takes up but a single room. Miss Dupont was Madeleine Dupont (1910-2005), Green’s mother … Continue reading


Clapham Book Festival – Media & Tickets

This gallery contains 3 photos.

And we’re off! The starter’s gun has fired. As of today, Friday 31st March, there are only thirty-six days to go until the second Clapham Book Festival. Tickets are now on sale for all sessions, a snip at £10 a … Continue reading


America After the Fall

This gallery contains 4 photos.

There is a pleasing symmetry about the Royal Academy at the moment, which has nothing to do with its architecture. On one hand ‘Revolution; Russian Art 1917 – 1932‘ on the other ‘America After the Fall, Painting in the 1930s’. … Continue reading


Local & Exotic Magic

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Both the Festivals with which I am involved this year are, though very different in style and content, closely tied to place.  Many of the authors appearing at the Clapham Book Festival are based in or around Clapham and write, … Continue reading