Category Archives: Words



This gallery contains 4 photos.

Monument (noun) – a structure erected as a memorial; an inscribed marker placed at a grave; something venerated for its enduring historic significance; an outstanding enduring achievement; an exceptional example. A familiar word, applicable to the specific and particular, as in … Continue reading


Word Force

This gallery contains 2 photos.

The precision, power and poetry of words. Poetry at Clapham Book Festival this year. Introduced by local poet, art critic and  editor of international poetry forum The Bow-Wow Shop, Michael Glover, our poets are Daljit Nagra and Cecilia Knapp. Michael … Continue reading


Through the Letterbox

This gallery contains 4 photos.

It is now just under six weeks until this year’s Clapham Book Festival takes place on May 12th in Omnibus Theatre and Clapham Library.  So publicity and promotion activity is cranking into gear.  Yesterday a fellow volunteer and I collected … Continue reading


It’s World Book Day 2018… why am I uneasy?

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Tomorrow (1st March) is World Book Day 2018 UK and there are WBD events happening all over the UK and Eire, (though not, necessarily, over the rest of the world, because different countries celebrate the Day on different days). Nonetheless … Continue reading


A little bit of history… with bikes

This gallery contains 12 photos.

Qhubeka is an Nguni word meaning ‘to progress’.  This is the story of how a sports commentator, an actor/designer and hundreds of sports fans around the world combined to make some progress happen. The sports commentator is Carlton Kirby, anchor … Continue reading