Category Archives: History

Places, people and events with a historical relevance, for folk with a passion for the past.


Mother of Parliaments

This gallery contains 4 photos.

I, like many people, have been watching broadcasts from the House of Commons and its Committee rooms recently. Some years ago when I was a civil servant, I attended meetings and committees in the Palace of Westminster so a few … Continue reading


The Last Days of Rome (Brexit)

This gallery contains 4 photos.

The last days of the Roman Republic, that’s what the Brexiteers remind me of ( hey, if you’re going to be grandiose, you may as well be epic ).  I think what prompted the comparison was the mention of law … Continue reading


I Am Ashurbanipal, King of the World

This gallery contains 4 photos.

…is the title of the British Museum’s big Winter exhibition. I went to see it earlier this week and it was well worth a visit. The title echoes Shelley’s poem Ozymandias ‘My name is Ozymandias, Look on my works ye … Continue reading


Dramatic Progress

This gallery contains 3 photos.

…is the name of a free exhibition currently in the Lyttleton Lounge at the National Theatre.  I enjoyed this, together with Playing With Scale, a fascinating display in the Wolfson Gallery, also at the National Theatre, last week. The full … Continue reading


Bonfire Night, what’s that about then?

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Some holidays are cross cultural. All Hallows Eve or Halloween, or The Day of the Dead, might not quite coincide on the calendar but everybody gets the gist. The dead, or their spirits, get to rise again, either via joyous … Continue reading