Category Archives: History

Places, people and events with a historical relevance, for folk with a passion for the past.


The Real Thing

This gallery contains 4 photos.

One of my favourite short stories is ‘The Real Thing’ by Henry James, a tale about an artist and his models that is also about surface and depth, appearance and reality. Authenticity. I thought about it recently when visiting one … Continue reading


Visit to El Palacio del Virrey Laserna

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Newly opened to the public this year is the Palace of the Viceroy Laserna, in central Jerez de la Frontera, Spain and it’s definitely worth a visit.  Close to the ancient Alcazar, the foundations of the Palace are Moorish in origin, … Continue reading


A perfectly preserved Princess….

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…the Princess Louise public house on High Holborn, London.  Worth a visit to see the wonderfully preserved Victorian interior, complete with mirrors, tiles, floor mosaics and polished wooden panelling, with booths arranged around a central bar. Built in 1872, the interior was constructed … Continue reading



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Regular readers of this web-site will know that I have been trying to find a snappy and evocative new title for my next book – an adventure story ( see Entitlement – the search for a title ).  Formerly called ‘On … Continue reading


A Walk on the Wild Side

This gallery contains 4 photos.

‘Haymaking is general about Clapham…wheat looks well and turns colour’ recorded Gilbert White, the naturalist, as he passed through Clapham in 1788. Already the wild and marshy rural area which is now Clapham Common had been drained and, to an … Continue reading