Category Archives: History

Places, people and events with a historical relevance, for folk with a passion for the past.



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Maps, their making and use, leapt into my consciousness recently when my editor asked me if I was sure that one of my characters could have used a map in thirteenth century Al Andalus.  This is just the sort of … Continue reading


A Room at the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

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To round off another first-rate celebration of books and reading at the Clapham Book Festival this year we are pleased to present novelist and screen writer, Deborah Moggach OBE. The child of two writers, Deborah went to Bristol University and … Continue reading



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Monument (noun) – a structure erected as a memorial; an inscribed marker placed at a grave; something venerated for its enduring historic significance; an outstanding enduring achievement; an exceptional example. A familiar word, applicable to the specific and particular, as in … Continue reading


Rhythm & Reaction: The Age of Jazz in Britain

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This Spring’s exhibition by the Bulldog Trust at Two Temple Place closes after Sunday (tomorrow) so this weekend is the last chance to catch it.  It is well worth going along to, especially if you enjoy music with your art. … Continue reading


Books and Walking – a Literary Trail

How well do you know your famous South London writers and books? So, which arch-villain said, at the end of each adventure, ‘The world shall hear from me again!’  And where did his creator live? Or, with a more literary … Continue reading