For those awaiting the publication of The Silver Rings, the second in the Al Andalus series and the sequel to Reconquista, there is good news. Enforced rest to recuperate from recent surgery has meant lots of time spent on the laptop and the first proof paperback copy has been ordered this week. I envisage that the paperback will be available for sale on Amazon, cost £8.99, next month.
The ‘e’ book ( epub and Kindle ) will be available, cost £2.99, at the same time on Kindle and various online retailers by way of Smashwords. Apologies to those of you who pre-ordered copies from Smashwords, I have had to defer the publication date until next month (the release date was formerly 31st October) – there won’t be much longer to wait. For those who like to know these things the ISBN is 978-0-9932106-8-6 and it runs to 363 pages. It will, as with all Story Bazaar books, be distributed by Gardners. So you should be able to request and buy it in all good book shops as well as on-line.
As I write in the Acknowledgements section, I never imagined when I began writing, all those years ago, the story which eventually became Reconquista, that I would end up writing two books about this group of characters. I could not, in all conscience, leave Nathan, Rebecca et al in limbo at the end of the first book, I felt that I had to write the second. This is, however, their very last appearance (unless Hollywood makes me an offer I can’t refuse – unlikely). I have included an Epilogue this time, so that their future story is also taken care of. It includes some surprises.
As readers of this web-site will know, there is a third story, already in draft, in the Al Andalus series, set some two hundred years later in the same part of Spain, during the Age of Discovery. Provisionally entitled At the Edge of the World, this features some of the descendants of the characters in the earlier books, but this book is being put on the back burner for a while. It will not be my next novel.
Instead, in something of a departure, I have been persuaded (by a commercial publisher) to try my hand at a contemporary, grown up thriller, a genre for which the market seems limitless.
So to modern London and some gruesome discoveries, as my trusty hero plumbs the murky depths of corruption, in Parliament and Whitehall, where everyone compromises and power – personal, political, sexual – is the reward. Power, what people are prepared to do to get it and what it does to them, is my theme. My working title is Plague, though this is but the first in what is envisaged as a series featuring the same central character.
I cannot say more yet, but I have already begun work on the first book. Watch this space for more news!
For more on writing and the Al Andalus books try Seduced by History The Godmother’s Tale The High Sierras Authenticity and Verisimilitude
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