Tag Archives: Foreign field



This gallery contains 7 photos.

‘Petit engines agricole‘ is what they’re called and they are the bane of the motorist’s life at this time of year, these slim little tractors dotting the roads of southern France, chugging along with their cargo of grapes. Just narrow enough … Continue reading



This gallery contains 3 photos.

Lapidary (n) an artisan who forms stones, minerals or gemstones in decorative or commemorative items. So to the Musee Lapidaire, one of the seven sites included on the Pass Plein for Narbonne ( 15 euros per person ). Not, perhaps, … Continue reading


To the End of the World

This gallery contains 4 photos.

After two nights in Santiago, Steve saw me off on my way to Finisterre ( or Fisterra in the local Galician ) where, according to medieval legend, St James’ disciples requested the Roman legate for permission to bury the apostle’s … Continue reading


Summer Nights 2016

This gallery contains 4 photos.

I have written before about high summer in Jerez and the concerts which take place in the town’s ancient monuments, like the Alcazar and the Cloisters of Santo Domingo. This year, however, the Ayuntamiento has gone one step further and … Continue reading


The High Sierras

This gallery contains 4 photos.

I am just about to return to Jerez, after the gloom and doom of London. Lambeth, where I live, returned the highest percentage ‘Remain’ vote in the whole country, so the atmosphere here is one of mourning. The Tory party, … Continue reading