Tag Archives: Foreign field


Spain sizzles…

This gallery contains 7 photos.

…May was the hottest May since records began in Jerez de la Frontera, June was the hottest June and now July is sizzling too.  Temperatures in the high thirties are tolerable, but if it hits the forties the city becomes semi-nocturnal. By lunch-time … Continue reading


Verano en Jerez…..

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Summer in Jerez….and there are already lots of visitors. On my most recent visit I heard German, English, French and something Scandinavian too, which is good news for the town.  The Noches de Verano programme, of cultural events in historic and scenic venues, has … Continue reading


Violet snow

This gallery contains 3 photos.

…is how my Jereziano taxi driver describes the roadside as we enter Jerez. The jacaranda trees are in full bloom and their perfume fills the air. The Feria is over, only the skeletons of the casetas remain in the Parque … Continue reading


Flamenco Reprise

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Regular readers of this blog will recall a number of posts earlier in the year on the Festival de Jerez – a flamenco festival.  Having taken many photographs of the venues, I promptly left my camera abroad and was reliant … Continue reading


Andalucian Spring II – the Feria

This gallery contains 5 photos.

In the north west of the city of Jerez on the Avenida Alvaro Domecq, in what was once the outskirts of town, there is a large, enclosed open space, the size of two football fields. This is the Parque Gonzales Hontoria, … Continue reading