Tag Archives: Foreign field


Journey Through the Pinsapar

This gallery contains 10 photos.

It was tempting fate. Only two days after the most enormous storm, to go up into the mountains, to the rainiest place in Spain. It was twenty-three degrees when we set out from Jerez that morning. The sky was blue … Continue reading



First, watch this. I heard the first rumble of thunder at about eleven o’clock. I had been out with friends, sitting in an olive-tree-lined square where fountains played. The temperature was balmy, there was no indication of what was to … Continue reading


The View from Here

I have written pieces on the Catalan situation before, but from my desk in London. From here in Spain it looks somewhat different. All my Spanish friends are unanimous in their support of the constitution (including some who live in … Continue reading


Our Lady of Mercy

This gallery contains 3 photos.

It was when we reached the road at the top of our lane that we saw the people. Groups of two or three, dressed in Sunday best, all heading in one direction, into the very centre of the old town. … Continue reading


The Seeing City

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Cadiz is a seeing city, a place which looks. Its myriad miradors or watchtowers face the ocean and the Americas, but also the safe haven of the harbour in the Bay. There are the dominating twin towers of its cathedral, its … Continue reading