Tag Archives: History


Beautiful Borough & Gorgeous George

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Anyone who lives and or works around London Bridge/Borough High Street or who has lived in London for a long time will have come across The George.  A sixteenth century coaching inn ( although the buildings you see before you … Continue reading



This gallery contains 6 photos.

‘With all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt‘* Sodium is necessary to human life. We each need about 1.5 grams of sodium per day in order to maintain the electrolitic balance in the body and enable the human central nervous … Continue reading



This gallery contains 7 photos.

‘Petit engines agricole‘ is what they’re called and they are the bane of the motorist’s life at this time of year, these slim little tractors dotting the roads of southern France, chugging along with their cargo of grapes. Just narrow enough … Continue reading



This gallery contains 3 photos.

Lapidary (n) an artisan who forms stones, minerals or gemstones in decorative or commemorative items. So to the Musee Lapidaire, one of the seven sites included on the Pass Plein for Narbonne ( 15 euros per person ). Not, perhaps, … Continue reading


Real to Reel…

This gallery contains 5 photos.

.. is the title of a new exhibition at the Imperial War Museum charting the depiction of war on film and of film on our perception of war. I went to see it. It opens with ‘The Battle of the … Continue reading