Tag Archives: Political comment


‘Four legs good….

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two legs bad.’ The phrase from George Orwell’s Animal Farm coined by the victorious pigs  after they and their fellow creatures overthrow their oppressor, Farmer Jones. Never again are the humans to return to the position of power, which is to … Continue reading


The Scottish Play

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‘Who is this Lord Howard? Someone from Thatcher’s time,’ said my friend Mario. ‘Declare war on Spain? What nonsense.’ Beside him a Daily Mail (Spanish edition) headline screamed about an Armada being sent to defend Gibraltar (Jebel-al-Tariq). Mario lived for … Continue reading


Grey Eminences

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Any history lover, or lover of Dumas’ adventure stories, knows of the original eminence gris Francois Leclerc du Tremblay, the Capuchin right hand man of Cardinal Richelieu, called ‘Father Joseph’ in the Dumas novels. More recently the epithet has been … Continue reading


Democracy IV

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Democracy and the democratic process is in the spot-light even more than usual following the results of the June Referendum and the U.S. Presidential election. Politics has become the best drama around ( the Story Bazaar has been blogging about … Continue reading



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Now that we live in a post-truth world and known things are re-named, so ‘extreme right-wing‘ becomes ‘Alt-Right‘ and ‘inciting fear and hatred‘ becomes ‘journalism‘ I’ve been wondering if it’s possible, as an ordinary person, to live an ‘alt-life‘. Please … Continue reading