Tag Archives: Political comment



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Many aspects of the Trump victory have set alarm bells ringing in Europe and the UK, but one has done so even among Brexiteers.  Protectionism. Consistency is not something one associates with the President-Elect, but he has consistently espoused protectionist … Continue reading


Against the odds….

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Fictional heroes often defy expectation and achieve their heart’s desire against all the odds, to resounding hurrahs. We all love an underdog, or an outsider, especially when she or he succeeds.  Except when we don’t. In the political arena this … Continue reading


The Demagogue’s Dictionary

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In the UK we have three judges on the front pages, beneath some of the most extraordinary, incendiary, headlines. The government, meanwhile, issues a tardy and luke-warm statement of support for the independent judiciary, and does nothing to calm this … Continue reading


Stop Press Stop Press News Up-date

Story Bazaar book long-listed for prestigious prize ‘Reconquista‘ has been long listed for the Children’s Novel Prize 2016. An international competition with over a thousand entries, the long list includes the top one hundred novels. Organised by Mslexia magazine to … Continue reading


Five days and counting……

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Today, Wednesday 26th October, is the vote for the investiture of a new Prime Minister of Spain. Mariano Rajoy of the Partido Popular (PP) former PM until the General Election in December 2015, is proposed and there will be a … Continue reading