Tag Archives: Political comment


Picking over the Brexit bones

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So to my last post about the months which saw the UK’s Referendum on membership of the EU.  What happened and, to an extent, why, is no longer news. The focus has shifted to where we go next and to … Continue reading


Democracy III

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As we proceed through the Party Conference season here in the UK, before Parliament returns on 10th October, we do, at least have a government, albeit one with a majority of only 17 in the House of Commons and with … Continue reading


Nothing to fear, but fear itself….

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‘Project Fear‘ A phrase used in the other referendum, the Scottish one to decide whether or not to leave the Union. This was coined by the ‘No’ campaigners to describe their own tactics. If folk recall, an unlikely alliance of … Continue reading


The Demagogue’s Handbook

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‘The British people have had enough of experts!‘ Thus spake Micheal Gove, lately of the Cabinet, now reviled as a ‘traitor’ against his fellow fabricator, our current Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson.  N.B. How is it that no mud sticks to … Continue reading


Britain is Free!

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….or the language of post-truth politics. Two months on, a story from the referendum – a friend was awoken by her partner on the morning of 24th June, with the hurrah – ‘Britain is Free!’. Irony, of course, but prompted … Continue reading