Tag Archives: Worth a visit


Festival Art 2018

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Spring 2018 – Jerez de la Frontera is very good at using its iconic and ancient buildings as venues for art. In the thirteenth century Alcazar and Cloisters of Santo Domingo, for example, the eighteenth century Palacio Pelmartin ( which … Continue reading


At Festival de Jerez 2018

This gallery contains 5 photos.

The Festival de Jerez 2018 is over now. The crowds have gone home and already the town is gearing up for Semana Santa as Easter is early this year. The boxed seating is being erected all over town and some central … Continue reading


The Jewish Museum

This gallery contains 5 photos.

What would a Jewish Museum be like? Would it be a museum of one of the three great monotheisms? Or of a race (defined as such by itself, by others or by history ) and was there a difference in … Continue reading


Political Pots

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Political pots or Pots with Attitude which is the name of a current FREE exhibition at the British Museum. I went to see it last week. Turner prize winner Grayson Perry CBE is probably the most high-profile artist working with pots … Continue reading


East End Vernacular

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Henry Silk and East End Vernacular is the title of an exhibition currently at Abbott and Holder of Museum Street, London.  It celebrates not only the work of the basket weaver and East End Group member Henry Silk (1883-1948) but … Continue reading