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Facebook Ads – No Politics

This gallery contains 1 photos.

The scandal of Facebook and the micro-targetting of political advertising during the EU Referendum campaign, using the personal data of individuals who had no knowledge that their data had been harvested, hasn’t received the ongoing publicity which it deserves, in … Continue reading


Art on the Underground

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Not quite since its inception, but from not so long after, the London Underground has been a place for art and design. The Paris Metro had its distinctive art nouveau entrances and lettering from the outset, though Parisians complained about … Continue reading


Myths of the Underground

This gallery contains 3 photos.

The New York Subway has its escaped alligators (the descendants, supposedly, of those creatures once fashionable as up-market pets and flushed down the lavatory when they became too tiresome or their rich owners got bored); Warsaw has its armed resistance … Continue reading


Make Do and Mend

This gallery contains 3 photos.

A return to war-time austerity, as opposed to the modern kind, is that just what we need? It was reading an article in the Sunday paper, in which the writer interviewed people in a Conservative Club in the north of … Continue reading


Anyone Stressed?

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Well, I have been asking this very question in some of my recent events… “Who is stressed”? Pretty much everyone present has smiled, with an “of course” bemused look, who isn’t? But, I ask “What do we mean?” Generally we … Continue reading