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New sculpture at the V & A

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One of the enormous pleasures of visiting the Victoria & Albert Museum in South Kensington is that the design museum, even with its amazing historic collections, continues also to focus on the contemporary, so one gets to see the very … Continue reading


Thrillers Historical

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Two historical thrillers published this year which I have enjoyed reading recently are The Murder of Harriet Monckton by Elizabeth Haynes (Myriad, 2018) and The Angel’s Mark by S.W.Perry (Corvus, 2018).  They are very different. The Murder…. is based on … Continue reading


Anatomy of a Thriller

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What makes a good thriller? What do I mean by ‘good’? Successful, as in best-selling? That’s a very difficult question, no one really knows why one book makes the best seller lists while a similar book by a similar author … Continue reading


Voting Demographics

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Since Monday’s post a number of readers have been in contact to ask where I got my figures on new voters from, so this post is by way of explanation. My assumption was that approximately 700k new voters join the … Continue reading


Brexit as Usual

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Six days in hospital and no mention of Brexit. Didn’t think about it once. I was far too ill to watch TV, or, for much of the time even notice that it was there. I had more immediate concerns….. But … Continue reading