Author Archives: juliej



This gallery contains 6 photos.

…is Belen in Spanish. This also describes those models of the nativity and associated bible stories which I remember from childhood as being quite common in Britain too.  As we have become more secular these have become rarer and public … Continue reading


Saturday Night

This gallery contains 4 photos.

There were push-chair toting families, couples entwined, a group of smartly dressed women of a certain age all wearing matching black trilbies, groups of young men and groups of young women, each group eyeing the other, the latter from vertiginous … Continue reading


I Am Ashurbanipal, King of the World

This gallery contains 4 photos.

…is the title of the British Museum’s big Winter exhibition. I went to see it earlier this week and it was well worth a visit. The title echoes Shelley’s poem Ozymandias ‘My name is Ozymandias, Look on my works ye … Continue reading



This gallery contains 2 photos.

Across Europe right-wing, populist parties are gaining ground, as economies slow and times become more unsettled and old, deeply ingrained prejudices and misconceptions re-surface. So it’s unsurprising that it’s happening too in Spain. Vox is a new Spanish party founded … Continue reading


Unravelling fortunes….

So we come to the vote. Theresa May’s Withdrawl deal goes before the Commons tomorrow as we enter the End game. What could happen next has been the subject of much speculation in the media so this post won’t be … Continue reading