Category Archives: Clapham Book Festival


Books and Walking – a Literary Trail

How well do you know your famous South London writers and books? So, which arch-villain said, at the end of each adventure, ‘The world shall hear from me again!’  And where did his creator live? Or, with a more literary … Continue reading


Word Force

This gallery contains 2 photos.

The precision, power and poetry of words. Poetry at Clapham Book Festival this year. Introduced by local poet, art critic and  editor of international poetry forum The Bow-Wow Shop, Michael Glover, our poets are Daljit Nagra and Cecilia Knapp. Michael … Continue reading


How to get published?

That’s the question. Your precious manuscript, the personal history or memoire, the collection of short stories, the long-laboured over novel or that treasured exploration of a subject – how to get them on to bookshop shelves? Some writers might be … Continue reading


Through the Letterbox

This gallery contains 4 photos.

It is now just under six weeks until this year’s Clapham Book Festival takes place on May 12th in Omnibus Theatre and Clapham Library.  So publicity and promotion activity is cranking into gear.  Yesterday a fellow volunteer and I collected … Continue reading


Walls Have Ears

This gallery contains 3 photos.

After the success and popularity of the Clapham Book Festival’s panel session last year about spies and spying, either real or fictional, ( see Espionage ) we decided to run a similar session this year focussing particularly on WWII and … Continue reading