Category Archives: London


History by the River

This gallery contains 5 photos.

On Tuesday evening I went along to Hammersmith and the Blue Anchor, a pub overlooking the River Thames. I was there for this month’s meeting of History by the River, an event run by the Historical Writers Association and its … Continue reading



This gallery contains 2 photos.

It is said that there are only six degrees of separation between any two people. In his 1929 book of short stories Everything is Different, Frigyes Karinthy suggested in Chain Links that, as the networks which people used to communicate … Continue reading


Queer British Art 1861 – 1967

This gallery contains 3 photos.

In celebration of fifty years of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality Tate Britain’s exhibition looks at ‘Queer’ British art from 1861 to 1967. We went along last Friday. I wondered just what form the exhibition would take, would it be … Continue reading


He shouldn’t have parked there…..

This gallery contains 7 photos.

….he really shouldn’t have parked there. It’s that bit of Clapham Old Town where the buses turn around. On this particular day it was also that bit of Clapham Old Town where Clapham Summer Fayre was taking place. A Fire … Continue reading


Turn again, Dick Whittington

This gallery contains 6 photos.

London is a great place to live. I am always happy to return here after being away. Yet I grew up in a relatively rural environment. A village in fact. The sense of dislocation when one journeys from one to … Continue reading