Category Archives: London


Clapham Book Festival begins…..

This gallery contains 10 photos.

9.00 a.m.  First is the physical preparation. Clapham Writers and volunteers, all sporting their Common Reading T-shirts, are at Omnibus at nine in the morning to organise the furniture in the Lounge/Bar area. We plan to have a very long … Continue reading


Tomorrow – Festival ’17

This gallery contains 1 photos.

Back in November 2016 a small group of Clapham Writers asked ourselves if, the following year, we were going to do the Clapham Book Festival again. And, if we were, who with and how? Six months later and we’re ready … Continue reading


From Our Own Correspondent

This gallery contains 5 photos.

For me, like many people of a certain age, world events of the 1980s were accompanied, on television and sometimes on radio, by a sensible Englishwoman with an unidentifiable accent and a flat, clipped and precise delivery.  The Tiananmen Square … Continue reading


Pounding the Pavements

This gallery contains 9 photos.

… though not quite pressing the flesh, this isn’t an election campaign. Clapham Writers, or some of us, were out on the streets of the capital this Bank Holiday Saturday promoting the Clapham Book Festival. Clad in our newly minted Clapham … Continue reading


Seduced by history……

…the romance of a certain place in a certain time, the attraction of an historic cause or an historic style. The discovery of a person who no one seems to have heard of, but who is so engaging and interesting, … Continue reading