Category Archives: Political comment


Facebook Ads – No Politics

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The scandal of Facebook and the micro-targetting of political advertising during the EU Referendum campaign, using the personal data of individuals who had no knowledge that their data had been harvested, hasn’t received the ongoing publicity which it deserves, in … Continue reading


Make Do and Mend

This gallery contains 3 photos.

A return to war-time austerity, as opposed to the modern kind, is that just what we need? It was reading an article in the Sunday paper, in which the writer interviewed people in a Conservative Club in the north of … Continue reading


Voting Demographics

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Since Monday’s post a number of readers have been in contact to ask where I got my figures on new voters from, so this post is by way of explanation. My assumption was that approximately 700k new voters join the … Continue reading


Brexit as Usual

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Six days in hospital and no mention of Brexit. Didn’t think about it once. I was far too ill to watch TV, or, for much of the time even notice that it was there. I had more immediate concerns….. But … Continue reading


Interested Parties I

Interested party (noun) – any of the people or organizations who may be affected by a situation, or who are hoping to make money out of a situation (Cambridge English Dictionary) There have been quite a lot of people speaking out on Brexit and how a ‘No Deal’ could be such … Continue reading