Tag Archives: Foreign field


Semana Santa in Jerez

This gallery contains 5 photos.

It was grey in London and, while I regretted leaving the newly sprung spring – the white blossom, the intense, new-minted green on the hedges – I was looking forward to warmth, sun and the scent of orange blossom. Here in … Continue reading


Festival Goers 2017

This gallery contains 4 photos.

Over recent years the Festival de Jerez, always famous in the flamenco world, has acquired a wider and well deserved international reputation. It’s not just the formal performances, or the ‘off festival’ venues, it’s also fun events like the children’s … Continue reading


Flamenco jazz guitar

This gallery contains 4 photos.

For reasons of personal timetabling we didn’t see any performances focusing on guitar this year until the end of our stay, though there had been several excellent guitarists in support of other artists. So I was particularly looking forward to … Continue reading


Jerez in the Rain

This gallery contains 5 photos.

It rained. And rained. And, boy, did it rain. It wasn’t as dramatic as the big Atlantic storms are in Cadiz, seas breaking over the city walls, wind whipping the rain down the narrow tunnels of the streets, but it … Continue reading



This gallery contains 8 photos.

Lola Flores, the Spanish dancer, singer, actress and film star, was born in the barrio of San Miguel in Jerez de la Frontera in January 1923. As a child she danced in many private houses and penas, but her theatrical … Continue reading