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This gallery contains 2 photos.

Across Europe right-wing, populist parties are gaining ground, as economies slow and times become more unsettled and old, deeply ingrained prejudices and misconceptions re-surface. So it’s unsurprising that it’s happening too in Spain. Vox is a new Spanish party founded … Continue reading


Unravelling fortunes….

So we come to the vote. Theresa May’s Withdrawl deal goes before the Commons tomorrow as we enter the End game. What could happen next has been the subject of much speculation in the media so this post won’t be … Continue reading


Dramatic Progress

This gallery contains 3 photos.

…is the name of a free exhibition currently in the Lyttleton Lounge at the National Theatre.  I enjoyed this, together with Playing With Scale, a fascinating display in the Wolfson Gallery, also at the National Theatre, last week. The full … Continue reading


End Game

Frantic, febrile activity in Parliament, on the air waves and in print as the debate about the UK’s membership or exit from the EU reaches a climax.  Individuals watching from afar might reasonably ask, shouldn’t there have been an open … Continue reading


Nothing left remarkable beneath the visiting moon

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Anthony and Cleopatra runs at the National Theatre until 19th January – we were lucky enough to see it on Saturday. There are no tickets left for the rest of the run, it’s a sell out, so I cannot recommend … Continue reading