Tag Archives: Political comment


Make Do and Mend

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A return to war-time austerity, as opposed to the modern kind, is that just what we need? It was reading an article in the Sunday paper, in which the writer interviewed people in a Conservative Club in the north of … Continue reading


Voting Demographics

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Since Monday’s post a number of readers have been in contact to ask where I got my figures on new voters from, so this post is by way of explanation. My assumption was that approximately 700k new voters join the … Continue reading


Brexit as Usual

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Six days in hospital and no mention of Brexit. Didn’t think about it once. I was far too ill to watch TV, or, for much of the time even notice that it was there. I had more immediate concerns….. But … Continue reading


Interested Parties I

Interested party (noun) – any of the people or organizations who may be affected by a situation, or who are hoping to make money out of a situation (Cambridge English Dictionary) There have been quite a lot of people speaking out on Brexit and how a ‘No Deal’ could be such … Continue reading


Received Truth

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I have been reading Andrew O’Hagan’s The Tower, on the Grenfell fire and its aftermath ( link here ) in the London Review of Books. It’s a remarkable piece of writing, from its description of events happening to some of the … Continue reading