
The Story Bazaar Compendium 2015

2015CompendiumecoverThe Story Bazaar Compendium 2015, the first, I hope, of many annual compilations of Story Bazaar writing, will be available on Amazon from 23rd December, priced at £5.99 for the paperback edition.

The Compendium includes readers’ favourite articles, essays and blog-pieces from across 2015 by all of its writers. Journey to a southern Spanish town as festivals and celebrations trace the passing of the year. Visit London’s historic houses, museums and galleries, the lesser-known as well as the high-profile, and enjoy the events of a London season as they unfold. Take a walk in the gardens and public spaces of London. Get a glimpse into the world of writing and publishing, including what NOT to do as a new writer and publisher. Voyage with an intrepid sailor to the Southern Ocean and take a break on a Greek island with a bird-watcher’s mate.

PLUS fiction by J.J.Anderson. Stories that Shakespeare didn’t write – three tales inspired by the Bard and one inspired by London.

Readers of The Story Bazaar say –

‘I know when I come to The Story Bazaar I’ll find something interesting and thought-provoking to read. The writing is always of such a high standard.’

‘I love the look and feel of The Story Bazaar, it feels like I could actually be in a library and I’ve enjoyed reading the articles – informative, witty and well written.’

‘The articles on southern Spain and flamenco are my favourites, they summon up the sights, sounds and smells of Andalusia.’

‘It’s only a month since I self-published, so the information on promotion and publishing is very useful. Thank you.’

‘Truly enjoyable. Keep it up!’

Some readers will recognise their own words in the ‘blurb’ above, which appears on the rear cover of the book. Thank you to all of you who sent me comments and suggestions.

It’s fair to say that I have found the technical aspects of publishing a non-fiction book rather more demanding than I had envisaged. That and the unanticipated delays in ordinary post at this time of year (necessary for proof copies) have resulted in this volume not being available until only just before Christmas.  I have lost about a fortnight because of unlooked-for delays, so I apologise for its tardy appearance.  Definitely something to factor in for next year’s Compendium.

An ‘e’ version will be available in the New Year.  I had not, originally, anticipated publishing the Compendium as an e-book, given that the articles andkindle blog-pieces are still available on the web-site.  It has been pointed out to me, however, mainly by readers who have come late to the Bazaar, that having them drawn together and organised into subjects would be helpful, especially if the cost was kept low.  I have tried to do this, for both ‘e’ and paperback versions.

Both include four standalone short stories, not belonging to ‘The Village’ series, three of which are already familiar to Readers Club members.  The articles which appeared on the web-site in December are not, however, included in the paperback version of the Compendium. These will appear in next year’s version. Incidentally, there will be a seasonal e-mail of Bazaar News, including another new story, in Readers Club in-boxes over the holiday period.

oldbooks2Please let me know what you think of the Compendium.  Is it pitched at the right level of cost, or would something glossier (and therefore, necessarily more expensive) be preferred?  Does bringing all the articles together in this way add something to them as a whole? If you liked reading it, please, as always, write a review on Amazon. It is one of the few ways in which potential new readers can be influenced to try it for themselves.

If you want to read about the trials of publishing a non-fiction, as opposed to a fiction, book, try                     From Gutenberg to Google               When is a font not a font?                        Galleys and Ornaments


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